verse of the day

Friday 21 November 2008

They are watching.[ Matthew 5 v13-16 ]

In Luke 4 v 20,we read ,/All eyes in the synagogue looked at Him [ Jesus ] intently, it wasnt just in the synagogue that people watched Him,He was continually under observation, His every action every word was judged. If one is a believer then people are watching, we may not think they are, but rest assured they are,it has always been the same. In the book of Daniel ,we read how the enemies of Daniel, searched for some fault in Daniel, and this is what we read,/ they couldnt find anything to criticize or condemn. He was faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy,/[ 6v4 ]. We may not like it but the fact is we are being watched,and the challenge for all of us is to show forth Christ in our words, and actions. [ Father help us to live godly lives,help us to be faithful, responsible,and trustworthy,help us not to bring dishonour on You, in Jesus name we ask this, Amen ]

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