verse of the day

Saturday, 8 February 2025

No ( 1 Peter 1 v 15-16 )

 Winston Churchill  quoted Alexander the Great who remarked,'that the people of Asia were slaves because they had not learned to pronounce the word ,'No'. A song in musical has these words in it,'I'm just a girl who can't say no'.No is a very powerful word, which children often don't like, in supermarkets,you will hear a screech like a banshee, no its not, it comes from a child who has been told no,you can't have that.We can smile at that,but in the greater schemes of things ,saying no is very important for all of us to learn. People take to much on at times and have breakdowns because  of the pressure that they have put themselves under,or they have been put under.If only Eve had said no to the devil's temptation ,things for humanity would have been so different for all of us.It is interesting what Alexander the Great said that the people of Asia were slaves because they had not learned to say no ,for our dear Saviour said,' everyone who sins is a slave to sin'(John 8 v34 ) Christ told us that her he had come to set us free from the power of sin, that we should no longer be slaves of sin(Romans 6 v6 )Yes there will be times in which we will not say no to sin, because if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves ( 1 John 1v8- 9)We will only be sinless when we get to heaven, but as John puts it 'No one who is born of God  will continue to sin'(1 Jn3 v6/9) we are not able to sin habitually,in other words  we don't walk in sin.

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