verse of the day

Saturday, 2 November 2024

Make me a channel.( John 3 v30)

 Piet Mondrian said ,'The position of the artist is humble.He is essentially a channel, 'it reminded me of a hymn we used to sing,it really is a prayer ,which we could all pray. .

                                          'Make me a channel of your peace.

                                          Where is hatred,let me bring your love

                                         Where there is injury, your pardon Lord;

                                         And where there is doubt,true faith in you;

                                         Make me a channel of your peace.

                                         Where there's despair in life,let me bring hope;

                                         Where there is darkness,only light;

                                         And where there's sadness, ever joy;

                                         Make me a channel of your peace.

                                         It is in pardoning,that we are pardoned

                                         In giving to all men that we receive ,

                                         And in dying that we're  born to eteraal life

                                         O Master,grant that I may never seek

                                         So much to be console as to console;

                                         To be understood as to understand;

                                          To be loved,as to love with all my soul'




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