verse of the day

Wednesday 24 December 2008

Be very sure.[ 1 John 5 v13 ]

I have concerns for so many people, especially my loved ones, I want to see them in heaven,yesterday I spoke to an old aunt on the phone, a church goer all her life a believer in God,and I love her, but is she saved?.I asked her when she prayed that night, to simply ask the Lord to save her, she said she would, I hope so. I share this with you because I want you all to realise ,and I quote words from some thing I read recently,/You can go to heaven without health, without wealth, without fame, without culture, but you will never go to heaven without Christ/. There is an old hymn which goes, / Be very sure/, are you sure you are going to heaven?, if you are not ,well I will say to you, what I said to my dear old aunt, simply ask the Lord Jesus to save you right now. [Father we thank for Jesus who died to bring many to glory, we pray that many at this time will trust Him to be their Saviour, we ask this in His name and for His sake, Amen. ]

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