verse of the day

Monday 21 January 2019

Sin. ( James 2 v 10 )

Yesterday we considered the sacrifice of Christ,and how  that one sacrifice effectively deals with sin, it is a strange thing that there are those who deny this. They believe that somehow Christ is sacrificed over and over again ,the book of Hebrews teaches clearly that this is not so, 'Nor did He enter heaven to offer Himself again and again, the way the  high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year........Then Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world Christ was sacrificed once to take away the  sins of many people ( Hebrews 9 v 25 - 28 ).This one times sacrifice effectively deals with all sins, again let me say there are not two classes  of sin, called Mortal and Venial ,many people look at sin this way,mortal is more serious than  venial, people do not see any problem with so called white lies ,but see murder as very wrong which it is.The Westminster Shorter Catechism declares,''Sin is any lack of conformity unto,or transgression of the law of God''. Eating a forbidden fruit may appear to be a very trifling offence; yet the consequence were fatal, not only for Adam and Eve but for the entire human race''  (L. Boettner )                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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