verse of the day

Monday 7 January 2019

Done. ( John 11 v 40)

One of the first  Christian books I read was the early life of Hudson Taylor,he was a doctor and was the founder of what was known as the 'China Inland Mission'.Most of the missions work in those days was  carried out in the coast line,not many missionaries had ventured into the itinerary of China,but God gave Hudson the call to go were others had not gone. He spent 51 years in China died 1905, he accomplished a great deal,God used him wonderfully. He was a man of faith,he once said this to his missionary colleagues that the Christians response to daunting situations was best  expressed in a terse phrase;'Impossible ? Difficult, Done'Often the Christian is faced with difficulties ,whatever they be,it is then we must pray and believe , that although what we are facing is difficult ,our God is all powerful,and is able to do exceeding abundantly more that we can ask or think. (Ephesians 3 v 20 )

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