verse of the day

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Search me. ( Jeremiah 17 v 9-10)

 In  chap 11 of the book of Hebrews we have a list of people who lived by faith,and  followed the Lord in spite of the challengres they faced, v35ff, tells of the awful things they had to endure,to say the least it was no picnic,being tortured ,being imprisoned,flogged,stoned ,sawn in two,being destitute and so on,yet they did not give up. They and all the people mentioned in this chapter are witnesses to the Christians the letter was written to, and to every generation of Christians ,who follows in their footsteps.So the writer in Hebrews 12 v1 encourages his readers to deal with every thing that would hinder them,and the sin that so easily entangles them, in following the Lord. Maybe we need to stop and ask God about the things that are hindering us and the sin that so easily entangles us. Here is a prayer we could pray.,

                                                      'Search me ,God, and know my heart;

                                                       test me,and know my anxious thoughts.

                                                       See if there be any offensive way in me,

                                                       and lead me in the way everlasting.'

                                                                    Psalm 139 v23 -24.


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