verse of the day

Wednesday 25 September 2024

It's impossible.( Matthew 19 v 16 -26 )

Most people have heard of King Canute,the story goes that he set his throne by the sea  side and sought to stop the tide coming in,was he a fool?, I don't think he was,I believe he was making a point,'that his powers was nothing compared to God's power. Deluded leaders often forget that,to their own destruction.When anyone whoever it is seeks to dethrone God,then they are utter fools,it was Christ that could walk on water,and calm the storm, no wonder the calming of the sea  terrified the disciples, and they asked the question,'Who is this? even the wind and the waves obey Him!' We often hear said, the sky is the limit meaning  there  are no limts and that anything is possible.Yes people can rise to great hights in politics ,buisness or is possible,but there will always be limits,for we cannot do the impossible only God can do that,we can try to delay death.but it is impossible to stop it, no one can beat death, people have their bodies frozen,in the hope that a discovery will be made to bring them back to life.,unlike King Canute they fail to see that they can't stop the inevitable,they are just fooling themselves.Here is something else that man cannot do they can't save themselves,it's impossibe,here is another thing they cannot do they can't get to heaven without trusting Jesus as their Saviour,yes it's impossible,but with God all things are possible. 

                                                        'Salvation is of the Lord'

                                                                Jonah 2 v 9


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