verse of the day

Monday 23 September 2024

Faithful words ( Psalm 16 v 5-8 )

I recently visited two dear elderly Christians, one has Parkinson,and the other is not able to walk,I have known them a long time.The brother with Parkinson and I ,were joint leaders of a church for a number of  years. So there they are,the one with Parkinson does not talk much,so I mainly converse with his wife.Before leaving I usually pray and read a scripture, I read from Proverbs  3 v 5-6 ,in those two verses we have so much to think about, I prefer the AV ,here they are,

                                                   'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart

                                                     and lean not unto thine own understanding.

                                                     In all thy ways acknowledge Him in all our ways,

                                                      and He shall direct thy paths.'

It starts with trusting the Lord, this is where the Christian life  begins,,and where it contiues ,every day and every hour of every day,there are no days off.It goes further than that, For we are told  that this trust is not a half  hearted ,there should be no letting up  whatsoever.' Next we have,'Not leaning on our own unerstanding, we err by leaning on our understanding,in doctrine,and so many ways.Why do we not acknowledge Him in all our ways?why do we not bring Hin into every aspect of our lives?, for if we do, He has promised to direct our paths.

                                                   ' Take time to be holy,let Him be Thy guide;

                                                    And run not before Him,whatever betide;

                                                    In joy or in sorrow still follow Thy Lord,

                                                   And, looking to Jesus,still trust in His word'  ( Words  W.D.Longstaff)

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