verse of the day

Saturday 21 September 2024

Can you wonder. ( John 3 v36) 2.

 Last time we considered  the price Christ paid for our salvation,the price involved Christ becoming a man and coming into this world, and dying on a cross,All that was mind blowing, but we go a bit further ,the question why? what did it all mean? .We are told that He would save his people from their sins,how was He going to do that ?,This leads on to consider a  certain word ,which some peopel don't like, it is the word propitiation, it is mentioned four times in the NT,in Romans3 v25/  /Hebrews 2 v7/1John 2v2/ 1John 4 v10/. the word means satisfying the wrath of God,turning away that wrath,appesseing God's just judgement and righteous anger against us and our sins..Consider John 3 v36,' Whoever  rejects the Son will not see life,for Gods wrath remains on them.' In other words if you are not a Christian the wrath of God abides on you,there is no middle ground.But God has made a way for that wrath to be removed,And that is where Christ  sacrifice comes in,on that cross He choose to be a substitute,in other words he would take our the place on the cross ,so that when we put our trust in Him for salvation, the wrath of God is taken from us and put on Him.Consider the depth of  suffering He endured,no one can calculate the depth of that suffering,that's the price He paid.

                                                     ' Can you wonder,can you wonder 

                                                             Why it is I love Him so ?

                                                          When I think of all He's done,

                                                             And for me the guilty one,

                                                             Can you wonder why it is

                                                                      I love Him so'

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