verse of the day

Monday, 24 March 2025

Show me a sign. ( Hebrews 4 v16)

In v 17 of Psalm 86  we read David asking God,''Give me a sign of your goodness'',is it  right to ask God for a sign?.  Gideon did  Judges 6 v 17,and God give him what he asked,The miracles that Jesus performed were in fact signs,they pointed to convince men who He was. (John 14 v11) Often the miracles did convince people who He was,and to believe in Jesus.The same applies to the miracles the apostles performed Acts 5 v 12-14.but there is no guarantee,that people who see miracle signs or experience them will turn to Christ,consider all that our Saviour did and instead of trusting Christ they crucified Him. Do these signs happen now?, yes the times of miracles is not passed ,a friend of mine told me of two people he prayed for and they were healed,they never turned to Christ.Yet the challenge is not everyone gets healed, for whatever reason,and that reason is in God's hands. We focus an awful lot on healing,but Christ miraculously fed thousands with a few loaves and fishes. I'm sure many can testify how God has provided for them,again a friend of mine,spoke to his wife and how they needed another car,and shortly after a friend whom he had not seen for a long time phoned and said that he had a car to give him. What is wonderful how many experience terrible suffering,and yet still trust the Lord,how do we account for that,it is a miracle of Grace. Everyone who is a Christian is a miracle sign of the grace of God,it changes their standing,they become children of God,their sins are forgiven,the power of sin is broken in their lives,their destination is not hell, but heaven,of course all comes into being when we trust Jesus as our Saviour.

                                                               'Amazing Grace'

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