verse of the day

Friday, 21 March 2025

Beware of Novelty. ( Ephesians 4 v11 - 16 )

Someone I know who is not a Christian has been going round different churches with his partner and daughter I believe he is seeking to grasp what Christianty is about,I have witnessed to him,and have given him a Bible. He has never attended any church and is completly ignorant as regards spiritual things.He told me of one church he attended,he said it was like a cult, and said he was not going back there but thankfully he will continue to look for a church that will preach the word. While we don't want a dead lifeless church the word of God is vital in helping the church grow spiritually,we all need to be instructed in the things of  God,instructed as to walking in the paths of righteousness.there is no substitute for sound Biblical teaching.John Stott wrote the following,' The refomers were accused by the Roman Catholic Church of teaching novelties.But they denied it.'We teach no new thing',Luther claimed.'but we repeat  and establish old things, which the apostles and all godly teachers have taught  before us'. Or as Lancelot Andrews was to say a century later, 'we are renovators not innovators'.

                                                           'Preach the Word'

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