Love keeps no record of wrongs v 5 ,I wonder if you every got your own back on someone? the movies are full of people who kept a record of the wrongs done to them and took vengence on them.In the Bible Joab and Absalom both kept a record of wrong done to them and likewise took vengence. Stalin was a very wicked person anyone who harmed or opposed him would be dealt with,he nursed that memory kept it warm.and at a chosen moment he had them put to death. Here we have very challenging words,'Love keeps no record of wrongs.Two OT saints lived that out in their own lives,the first one was Joseph who forgave his brothers all the wrong they did to him,he not only forgive them but was very kind to them. ( Genesis 50 v 15-21) David was treated very badly by King Saul,but when Saul died David showed great kindness to his son. (2 Samuel 9)In November 8th 1987,at a rememberance service,the IRA planted a bomb killing a number of of the people injured was Gordon Wilson, I believe he was a Christian,his daughter was seriously injured,and eventually she died.Before she died she took hold of her fathers hand held it very tightly,and said,'Daddy I love'.Painful beyond words,but when Gordon was interviewed by the BBC he said,'' I bear no ill ,no grudge''.
' Love forgets as well as forgives
and does not keep a record of
things said or done against them'
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