verse of the day

Tuesday, 18 March 2025

The have's, and the have nots. ( Luke 10 v 25 -37 )

 In 2017 their was a major fire in a block of high rise flats ,72 people died.223 escaped,I watched it on TV, it was awful. Then  there was fire in a block of flats in East London thankfully the 100 residents escaped. One of the residents was complaining that she lost her wedding dress, now I know a wedding dress is important,or is it?,after all she didn't loose her life.So often we get things out of proportion , I believe that is so ,like the case of the young lady who lost her wedding dress. We need to look out of our comfort zone , to the have not's in the world.There is so much suffering going on ,think of the homeless,hungry, persecuted,in Mozambique there are approximately one million people who live as Internally Displaced People.If you are one of the have's,be grateful,be thankful, keep things in proportion, let us remember the have not's, in our prayers,and in our giving, or in anyway we can help them.

                                                    'It is more blessed to give than to receive'

                                                                        Galatians 6 v 10

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