verse of the day

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Locked out.( Matthew 25 v 41)

 There we were just about to set off ,to see our family,it was very wet ,and windy, I went to lock the door,and I couldn't, because I had left the key in the other side of the lock,it meant we could not get back into our home. I must confess I was very upset, but we managed to get someone to come and solve the problem.He had to drill through the old lock,and replace it with a new one,so the problem was solved. It's not nice to be locked out of one's home,but there is a more serious aspect to this event. It reminds me of the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 told by our Saviour, it is about a wedding,it was something different from modern weddings ,a lot of things went on before they were considered married,the bride would be  waiting for the bridegroom, not sure when  he would come.The 10 virgins mentioned in the story had be waiting  likewise for the wedding group to show them the way into the marriage celebrations.  Five of the virgins had no oil for their lamps and so it meant they had to go and buy some,but by the time they got back,they were not permitted into the marriage celebrations,they were locked out, unlike the other 5 virgins who were in and enjoying the wedding celebations. The story was aimed at the Jews  who should have been prepared for our Lords coming but were not,so they were locked out.Yes the foolish virgins left it to late,it is a reminder to all of us to be prepared to meet our God, before it is to late.When Mary of Orange was dying her chaplain sought to tell her the way of salvation.Her answer was;'I have not left this matter to this hour'.

                                                   ' I tell you,now is the time of God's favoir,

                                                     now is the day of sakvation'

                                                               2 Corinthians 6 v2.

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