We're born,we live, and we die, so that's it?,for most people that's it, but of course we were never meant to die,but the moment sin entered in ,death entered ,in Romans 5 v12 we read,'Therefore ,just as sin entered the world through one man,and death through sin,and in this way death came to all people, because all have sinned'.I spoke to a man recently, I brought death into the conversation,I asked him what happens when you die,he pointed downwards,I said to him it does'nt have be ,trust the Saviour and it will be upwards. As a minister I have to remind people about death ,I know that man didn't want to hear about death,but it is important that he did hear,not just about death,but after death. He pointed down,he may have indicating that was it,but of course its not ,there is a heaven and there is a hell,that's something else he didn't want to hear,like most people,and sad to say most preachers don't mention it.Why ? that's a good question. I visited two dear Christians,both are very elderly,the man had Parkinson,he has died since ,his dear wife is wheelchair bound.None of it is very nice,in my prayer time I wept for them,Yet during the visit to them I read from Revelation 21,it speaks of eternal glories,how God will be wth them,and that God will wipe away all tears,and there will be no more death or mournng or crying or pain, for all those things will have passed away'.What a wonderful word of comfort,to God's children,yes there is hope beyond the awfulness of death,when you trust Jesus as your Saviour.
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