verse of the day

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Holiness ( Psalm 139 v 23 - 24)

 What do you think of holiness? it is seen by many non-Christians as a kill joy, some Christians may even agree with that.It is emphasised in God's word a lot, because it is of the utmost importance.But first of all let us consider, the Bible calls God,''The Holy One'' over fifty times it is mentioned in the Bible ,and the Spirit God,''Holy Spirit '' ''ninety times. Christ is called the ''Holy One of God''.The hymn writer declared,'OnlyThou art holy', God is absoluetly holy,it is hard for us to grasp this truth.In our unsaved state we could not look upon such holiness,we would be burnt to a frazzle.Moses was told,'you cannot see my face ,for no one may see Me and live' (Exodus 33 v20),it will not be until we stand in glory will we be able to look upon God. R.C.Sproul said,''When we understand the character of God, and when we grasp something of His holiness, then we begin to understand the radical character of our sin and hopelessness'.The unsaved person does not grasp this,but will ,one day.Through Christ death on the cross God has made for us, away to know God , as our Father.Through Him we can come boldly into God's holy presence. (Hebrews 4 v16) As Christians we are set apart by God to be holy,it is obivious that while we are accepted by God now,yet we  still are imperfect,and so God declares to us Christians,'Be holy ,because I am holy' ,(1 Peter 1 v16/Lev 11 v44)These words are a challenge to all of God's children,of course we will never be fully holy here,but we must daily strive after holiness,long for that goal,until we are in glory.

                                                       'Robert Murry Mc Cheyne said,

                                        'Lord make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be'.

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