Yes Christmas is coming,and the shops are full of so many thjings that have nothing to do with Christmas,but we will come to that later.One of my sons and his wife were visiting us, and I said to my daughter -in -law,ask me do I believe in Santa Claus,well she asked me,and I replied ,'I'm an agnostic'. well just a bit of fun.Who was Saint Nicholas?,it is thought that's were we get the idea of Santa from,it is thought that he is buried in Ireland, but others say he was buried in Italy(But he had an Irish passport in his pocket,again just a bit of fun).Lets stop all this Tomfoolery for its all make believe. One my young grandsons had a revelation ,he told his parents that there was no such a person as Santa Claus,I realise that there are no faries at the end of my garden.In the midst of all the Christmas cheer unfortionately the true meaning of Christmas gets lost,and every year people will come to our carol service, and we hope that they will find the true meaning of Christmas,we keep praying that this will happen,don't give up, keep praying, that it will happen.Christmas will soon be over, but let us continue to make the gospel known,telling people the the true meaning of Christmas,and the reason for it ,which is,that he shall save His people from their sins ( Matthew 1 v21)The moment He came into this world his sole aim would be to die on the cross,for our sins.His coming was not an after thought,no God had a plan,for we read in Revelation13 v 8 that He was 'the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world', God in His sovereign purposes would provide a sure and certain means to save sinners,and so it came to pass.
'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and you shall be saved.'
Acts 16 v31