verse of the day

Sunday, 2 February 2025

What's in a name? (Revelation 5 v5 )

 My wife and I have just returned from seeing our 5th great grandchild, he is only 3 months old,a lovely little boy,his first name is Judah.I read once that at the time of John Calvin (who ministered in Geneva)  parents had to choose the names of their  children  from the OT,Jonny Cash used to sing a song about a man , whose father named him,Sue,he wasn't pleased. One of my friends said ,'Your family is growing like the children of Israel, and even using their names' .Judah was Leahs forth Child, she was married to Jacob, but she was not loved by her husband .(Genesis 29 v31),but God loved her  and he blessed her with six sons,and .and the name of one was Judah whose name means praise.One of the tribes of Israel was called after Judah ,and from that tribe came a great king called  David,and from that tribe  also was born a greater by far ,Jesus who is King of Kings.In Gen 49 v9 ,Jacob called Judah,'a lion cub' ,and the Lion of Judah is a  national  cultural symbol  of the nation of Israel.But in Revealation  5 v5 we read of 'The lion of the tribe of Judah,the root of David,has triumphed' ,yes He triumphed,for the lion of the tribe of Judah is none other than Jesus ,who won the victory over 'Sin ,Death,and Satan'

                                    'For the conquering Saviour shall break every chain,

                                     And give us the victory again and again'.

                                                   Words H.Q,Wilson.


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