It is so easy to let fear take over our lives, one way in which we let that happen ,and I will sum it up in this way,'What if ?'.We go on a journey and we think ,what if the car breaks down?,what if we get a puncture?. If one was to go on a cruise we thing what if we get food poison,think of what if's when you decide to move home.or change jobs.Everyday you will think about the what if's,you may say to yourself .In the Tom Hanks movie''Bridge of Spies''.when he was asked the Soviet spy if He's not worried about his situation,the spy replies,''Would it help''.He essentially is saying worrying about the situation won't change the outcome.In Matthew 6 v25ff our Saviour said the same thing,but he said more than that, what more did He say? He said 'Look at the birds of the air,they do not sow or reap,or store away in barnes,and yet your heavenly Father feeds them, are you not much more valuable than them .He adds something else, 'Do not worry ,your heavenly Father knows your needs.He also adds this ,'Seek first His kingdom and His rightousness,and all these things will be given to you.'
'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
For tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own;
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