verse of the day

Monday 5 August 2024

The Frailty of God's Saints .( 1 Corinthians 1 v 1 -31} 2

We aare told that God chose the weak things of this world (1 Corinthians 1 v 27),if that is true then we shound not be surprised whan they manifest frailities ,that means they are not strong,cannot endure strain ,or pressure. God did not  choose one whom you would pick to play on your team. The 12 disciples were not so great,in fact they were pretty awful at times,why did God do that?,very simple answer,'so no one could boast before Him (1 Cor 1 v 20) I  saw a photo of my old principal ,a  Mr Malone,I liked him,a friend told me he spoke to him at a class reunion,and he told him I was a minister,and he said,'I didn't think that I would ever amount to anything.' Glad he had a nice opinion about me,I understand what he meant,I didn't do very well school,in fact I didn't lkie school. But when one comes to know Jesus ,then things can change for the better for us failures and frail people.When you come to know Jesus things can change for the better, we can become winners, yet we still fail.The word of God say's do no despise the day of small things,and\ don't despise the frail people of this world if you are one of them, I am. Yes the saints of God are frail,but I like what Proverbs 24 v16 say's,'For though the righteous fall seven times(yes us failures) they rise again'.   



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