verse of the day

Monday 26 August 2024

God Incomprehensible ( Psalm 86 v10 )

 It is A.W.Tozer who wrote in his very profitable little book  called ,'The knowledge of God', 'Why we must think rightly of God'.I wonder when you think of  God,what comes into your mind?  The god's of this world are made in man's image,but the God of the Bible is incomprehensible we can never fully know Him,it is beyond us,but we can know God,and in the most personal way,when we come to know Christ as our Saviour.Recently when a group from the church I attend met one morning for a breakfast fellowship.We shared different things,one brother said there was a time when he could not figure out how God could possibly hear all the millions of prayers coming to Him ,at the same time. But God can and does,not only hears bur answers our prayers.We can carry that on further,He knows everybodies thoughts,He see's everyone ,nothing is hidden from Him,He is the great inescapable one, God declares  in Jeremiah23 v 23-24 ,'I am God who is everywhere.........I am everywhere in  heaven and in earth'.Who can explian that great mystrey of the 'Holy Trinity'. it is impossible to understand the unchangeableness of God, that God is eternal,he always exsisted,he has no beginning and no ending and so we could go on.We can know God, I know God,hopefully you know Him.As I said at the beginning  when we trust Jesus as our Saviour,by simple faith,and we must continue to follow Him in simple faith,believing only what has been revealed to us from His word,and not stray from the revealed truth they're in.

                                                 'Dear God teach us to know that we

                                                  cannot know,for the things of  God

                                                  knoweth no man,but the Spirit of

                                                 God. Let faith support us where reason

                                                 fails,and we shall think because we 

                                                 believe,not in order that we may believe.

                                                                  In Jesus' name.

                                                            'A prayer by A.W.Tozer'




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