verse of the day

Monday 29 April 2024

Look in the mirror . ( Luke 18 v 9 -14 )

We are all to some extent different,and yet we are in one sense all the same,for we all have a fallen nature , as we look at David and his adultery he is mirror of everyone who commits adultery.Take Judas he loved money ,so much so that he was a thief,and as all fellow thieves ,they see a mirror of themselves in Judas.Our Lord knows what we are truly like ,when a woman was caught in the act of adultery,and brought before Jesus,to pass judgement on her,the penalty was that she should be stoned to death. Our Saviour said,'Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her,and they all left',they saw in that women a mirror of themselves (John 8 v 2-11).We are all potential adulterers ,thieves,liars,and so on.I read of a Jewish man who lived through the Holocaust  and he was brought as a witness at the trial of a Nazi war criminal. As he looked at the man,it suddenly struck him that this war criminal looked a very ordinary person just like him,and then another thought struck him,that he had potential to commit the evil that,that man had  done.In a sense he saw in that man a mirror of himself, Shakespeare wrote these very meaningful words,'Man know thyself'.We often say no one is perfect,and that's true,but the word of God tells us the whole truth,'That the heart is deceitful above all things ', (Jeremiah 17 v 9 )people speak of the inherent goodness of humanity that human nature is essentially good ,not so,oh yes we do good,but we still sin.If it was otherwise then Jesus need not have come,but in order to save us sinners He was prepared to die on the cross ,that we may be forgiven .

                                              'Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners

                                               that means you and that means me'.


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