verse of the day

Sunday 4 June 2017

Still my heart has Thee. [ 1 Samuel 30 v 6]

Just a follow on from yesterdays reading as regards the disciples in the storm with Jesus in Mark 4 v35-41,and further comment by Donald English.
''At the personal level there is a deep lesson to be learned from the stilling of the storm incident. For the disciples it should be enough to be with the Lord, whither life's seas are running smoothly or not. Forms of Christianity which encourage and promise a life of continual success, excitement and growth
will not only lead to frustration and despair; they actually point the disciple
towards the wrong goal in the Christian pilgrimage. It is enough that Christ
goes with us on our journey. We do not judge his care for us, nor the state of our discipleship, by the roughness of the seas over which we sail.' We rejoice in the Lord', not in our current circumstances, as Paul made clear to the Philippians [ Phil 3v 1 ]

                       When from my life the old time joys have vanished
                       Treasures once mine , I may no longer claim,
                       This truth may feed my hungry heart, and famished;
                       Lord ,You Remain Here, You are still the same.

                       When streams have dried, those streams of glad refreshing-
                       Friendships so blest, so free;
                       When  sun-kissed skies give place to clouds depressing,
                       Lord, You Remain Here, still my heart has Thee.

                       When strength has failed, and feet, now worn and weary,
                        On happy errands may no longer go,
                       Why should I sigh, or let the days be dreary?
                        Lord, You Remain Here, could you more bestow?

                       Thus through life's days-whoe'er or  what may fail me,
                        Friends, friendships, joys, in small or great degree
                       Songs may be mine, no sadness need assault me,
                        Lord, You Remain Here, Still my heart has Thee.
                                      [Words by J. Danson Smith ]


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