verse of the day

Monday 28 September 2015

Standing alone.[ Romans 8 v 31ff ]

One of the most popular westerns ever made was the movie, High Noon about a law officer,who was faced with four outlaws who were going to kill
him,and no one  was prepared to help him,except an old drunk,and a young boy.In the end he had to face them alone,he had considered running
away,but he knew they would follow him.There are many Christians living in societies were those around them hate them,and would gladly kill them
many our fleeing,but there are many who cannot flee for whatever reason,and humanly speaking they are on their own.Humanly speaking they don't stand a chance,yes it would appear they do not stand a chance,but they are not on their own,no more than we are.There is one standing by every child of God,irrespective of circumstances,one who can preserve, protect
and keep according to His will.The apostle Paul experienced great trials,he wrote of an occasion when all men forsook him,but then he adds, nevertheless the Lord stood with me,and strengthened me[2  Timothy 4 v 16-17].
                                            A prayer.
Dear God for all your dear children who have no human help,and are standing alone ,against those who would gladly destroy them ,have mercy,and come to their aid ,in Jesus name Amen.

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