verse of the day

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Lost .[ John 10 ]

In Luke 15 we have a chapter dealing with being lost, to illustrate this ,our Saviour speaks of a sheep , a coin, and a son. The three had this in common they where all lost, in Isaiah 53 we read ,all we like sheep have gone astray, or as the Message puts it, /We,er all like sheep who,ve wandered off and gotten lost/.I was speaking to a person , and she said she did not see any point to life. What she was in fact saying, was, I am lost,sadly she does not see that ,and it is a fact that so many people do not see this , blinded by pride and stubbornness. The son who was lost ,had to experience ,loneliness,and humiliation before he came to his senses before he was willing to admit that he was lost, and before he could be found. When he did he was welcomed home by a loving father,who embraced him, clothed him, and restored him into his family, he even threw a party for him. Jesus said that He was not come to destroy lives, but to save them [Luke 9 v56 ], the hymn writer wrote, I once was lost but now am found, if you realize that you are lost, ask Jesus to save you, and He will. Here is a prayer that you could pray,[ Dear Lord Jesus, I admit that I am lost, come and save me now, be my Saviour. Amen ]

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