verse of the day

Saturday 17 January 2009

Everything is going against me.[Romans 8 v 26 -39 ]

Sometimes we feel the roof is going to fall in upon us, thats what Jacob that ancient saint felt, he had just been told something , that filled Him with dread [ Genesis 42 v 36 ], I have been there, we all have . What do we do when we come into a place of apparent difficulties ?, well I tell you what I do ,I seek to hear Gods voice, and when I hear it I hold unto it like grim death, I try to resist the temptation of being panicked, and pray, and let me tell you, it works. I love that old hymn by William Cowper,which reads, /Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take, the clouds ye so much dread are big with mercy, and shall break in blessings upon your head. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, but trust Him for His grace, behind a frowning providence , He hides a smiling face/. Let us take comfort from those words, and let us rest in the One who loves us with an infinite love, Jesus. [ Dear Lord recieve our heartfelt thanks for your loving care of us, help us to see that you always come to our aid, help us to remember if You are for us, who can be against us. Amen ]

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